My head felt alot of energy and I felt nice and relaxed. Some of my pain has even gone away!
I felt lots of tingles in my head and my body. My dog must have loved the energy as she jumped right on top of me during our session. And she never does that! haha

I had no idea what to expect. I was just going to lay there and relax and let her do her thing. This was beyond any expectations I could have had!
A lot of memories came up for me. I was brought back in time and space. Memories of my brother, my mom, childhood memories. Very emotional. I had tears. Saw my spirit and the spirits of the ones I had memories with. Saw golden light and very large spirits/souls. Much bigger than our bodies. It felt like a very vivid dream. Felt like I was gone for awhile.
I was so grateful to experience what I experienced. The fact that she held space for me to heal and to allow me my own healing experience. I felt like I experienced a few hours of memories in just 15-20 minutes. I felt a great release and some beautiful new insights into what it means to heal and be a spirit.
After our first session I've had this amazing healing and huge transformation. I am soo excited to see what unfolds after each healing.